Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday May 8, 2009 (pediatric pearl day)
Outcome of septic shock in the neonatal period

Septic shock in the neonatal period has a very poor outcome.

Study n = 48

The 28-day mortality was 40%. Adverse outcome at 18 months of corrected age was observed 52% cases (death = 19, severe sequelae = 5). 28% of the infants were alive and had a normal examination at 18 months.

Significant predictors (multivariate analysis) of 28-day mortality and of adverse outcome at 18 months of corrected age were:
  • Weight (kg) at the onset of sepsis
  • Gram-negative infection

Conclusions: Data underscore the extreme vulnerability of very low birth weight infants to septic shock, particularly to Gram-negative species.


Outcome and prognostic factors in neonates with septic shock - Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 9(2):186-191, March 2008